Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I Really Really Hate Having MY Eyes Dilated............

I Really Really Hate Having  MY Eyes Dilated............well it is not so mujch ahving the dilated but having to drive afterwards.......every year I beg for an early morning appointment and every year
I told there are none reasoning... the Dr. office is on east side of town.....I live on west side........going to Dr. Office wit ht he rising sun beaming into your eyes (prior to dilation) is not a real problem....I have dark sunglasses.............HOWEVER driving home after dilarion and driving into the yello/orange ball of light in the western sky is total hell.......I do mean total hell......a total of 4 pairs of sunglasses just so I could try to see and of all the stupid idotic stuff to run into (not actually run into as in crash) this idiot in a black car had a silver sunshde covering his rear window and the sun was reflecting off it directly into my eyes.......2 police....yes 2....1 city and 1 state passed right by him and did not even look his was shift change time and the hiway was packed, so I could not pass this idiot at I sit in the dark with lighter sunglasses on as the  brightness of this screen is killing my head.....I already had a headache from the drive from the Dr.s office but this is adding to it..........

Well the visit to the Dr. was a success, I guess.......he was all compliments on my check up.....he siad I had better eyes than a lot of his normal patients normal he was refering to non diabetic my eyes were really really really good since I have had diabetes for around 12 yrs I can handle a little headache, knowing that the diabetes has not started damaging my eyesight as of now.......which is good since I am a photographer................

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