Wednesday, January 20, 2010

NON photographic....please bear with me.

back in about 1972 I was stuck in the hills of Arkansas Newton County....when I moved thre in '68 there were still signs on the county lines stating "N" do not let the sun set on you in this county......I was raised with no real knowledge of color and the "N" word was just as apt to be used for a white person as anyone else......after a few weeks in this strange place I now called home....I had a huge realization...there were no indians, no blacks and no chinese (at the time my knowledge of asian was the chinese that ran resturants.......and I asked some school mates why there everyone was white at school and was given a lesson that never set well with it ended up being the science teacher/superintendent that explained that no one but whites were welcome in the county.......back to 1972....I had the pleasure to bein a Readers Theater Play and I had to give the "I had a Dream" speech to an all white, backward, racist crowd.....somehow the state police found out about the play and were lining the back wall of our school was scary.....of course I carried a new set of names from that night I had found tapes of the speech to listen to and practice his accent and I almost sounded like Dr. King when I gave that speech.

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